What is Sunflower Lecithin?

One of the ways you can tell if a product is good for you is if you can pronounce the ingredients. Unhealthy additives, preservatives, and flavorings often have complicated and technical names like Monosodium glutamate that are hard to say – and har
Organic vs. Biodynamic?

What is Organic? "The basic principle of organic farming is to achieve food of high nutritional quality and optimum quantities of produce without the use of artificial fertilisers or synthetic chemicals." It does not use genetically modified foods,
Why is Pacari Chocolates so Expensive???

Why is Pacari Chocolates so Expensive compared to the Chocolates in the Market? Have you been thinking this question all these while? Is it expensive just because we decided to raise the price and make you pay for our "Brand" Well, this article is a
5 Ways to Mummy happy this Mother's Day
Daphne Au

Do you still remember when is the last time you spend quality time with you mom, doing things together?Let's get real. Even though we are staying together in the same house, how many hours do we really get to spend with our Mom. As we get bu
This Couple Aims to Make Ecuador the Cradle of Fine Chocolate Making

QUITO, ECUADOR -- Most of the world’s chocolate today comes from America and Europe, and it's made from cacao beans grown in Africa. But at least one South American company wants to make the best chocolate in the world from beans grown at home in th
Why some chocolates starts to melt the moment you hold it?

Have you ever wonder why some chocolate melt so fast? So fast that it started melting on your fingers and hand before you manage to pop them in your mouth.. Hmm.. Well, the answer lies in the ingredients of the chocolate bar. Let's take a look at th
What You Don't Know About Is Costing You A Fortune! -Here's the straight scoop on How To Increase Your Sales
Daphne Au

According to the Sales Formula above, in order for your to increase your sale, you need to increase either one of the variant above. In other words, you have to eitherIncrease the number of customerIncrease the number of frequency a customer buys fro
Pacari Chocolate in CNN News

We were humbled when we receive the news that Pacari Founder, Carla Barboto was chosen for an Interview on Pacari Chocolate.Please watch the video below if you are curious to find out:- What goes inside your chocolate- How the world found out about P
How to taste & enjoy Pacari Chocolates

Before you get too excited and finish your whole bar of chocolate, why not take a few minutes to learn how to get the best from your Pacari tasting experience?Fine chocolates are like are like fine wine. When you know how to properly taste and enjoy
ANDEAN GOLDEN BERRIES : Revealing the top 3 benefit of this superfood

Golden berry (Physalis peruviana) it not a true berry. Instead, golden berries came from the tomato family, and closely related to the ground tomato known as tomatillo. GOLDEN BERRY HAS HEALING POWER.
Good News! The WORLD BEST Chocolate Bar is finally in Malaysia

Yep! You heard it right! After so many years of hearing how great and tasty Ecuadorian Chocolates can be, Pacari Chocolate (100% made from Tree to Bar in Ecuador) has finally step foot into Malaysia! Fun Facts : "Unlike other Spa
Chocolates : Good or Bad for My Health?

Chocolates were always seen as the cause of health issues such as diabetic and obesity.